



In view of:


To stipulate:



Article 1

Hereinafter referred to as:

Article 2

(1) Goods and/or materials of import origin processed or assembled or fitted on other goods in a company to produce export goods can be granted import duty and/ or excise exemptions and uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities.

(2) Goods and/or materials of import origin and/or products from bonded zones processed or assembled or fitted on other goods to produce export goods for which import duty and/or excise have been paid and which have been already exported can be granted refunds on import duty and/or excise.

(3) Product using raw materials of import origin delivered to bonded zones for further process can be granted import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/or excise and uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities.

(4) The import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/or excise and uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities as meant in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) shall not apply to fuel oil, lubricant and capital goods.

(5) Products from a company using raw materials of import origin can be sold to Other Customs Areas in Indonesia (DPIL), after there have been realization of export or delivery of goods and/or materials of import origin to a bonded zone.

(6) By-products, residual products, damaged products and damaged raw material, using raw materials of import origin can be brought to DPIL or destroyed.

Article 3

The Head of the Regional Office on behalf of the Minister of Finance shall provide import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/or excise as well as uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities as mean in Article 2 paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4).

Article 4

(1) To obtain the import duty and/or excise exemptions and/ or refunds on import duty and/or excise as well as uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities as meant in Article 2, the company shall hold a company's registry number (NIPER) issued by the Regional Office.

(2) To secure a NIPER, the company shall file a company's data base (DI PER) in a correct and complete way to the Head of the Regional Office using an electronic instrument.

(3) The Regional Office shall conduct administrative and field audits to see if the data contained in DIPER as meant in paragraph (2) are true.

(4) The administrative and field audits as meant in paragraph (3) shall be conducted in no more than 14 (fourteen) working days after DIPER has been received in a complete and correct way.

(5) The results of administrative and field audits shall be put in an official report.

(6) The approval or rejection of an application for NIPER shall be made in no more than 3 (three) working days starting from the date of the official report.

(7) The company whose application for NIPER has been ap.proved, shall:

(8) If within 12 (twelve) consecutive months since the issuance date of NIPER the company does not carry out any activity after receiving import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/or excise as well as uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities, NIPER shall be revoked.

(9) The company, which has its NIPER revoked after receiving import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/or excise as well as uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities, shall settle import duty and/or excise as well as PPN and PPnBM due, including interest in no more than 30 (thirty) days after the revocation date of NIPER.


Article 5

Any application for the import duty and/or excise exemptions as well as uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities as meant in Article 2 paragraphs (1) and (3) shall meet the following requirements:

Article 6

The Head of the Regional Office shall approve or reject the application as meant in Article 3 in no more than 14 (fourteen) working days after receiving the application in a complete and correct way.

Article 7

If the application is approved, the applicant shall:

Article 8

The guarantee as meant in Article 1 shall be returned in no more than 14 (fourteen) working days after the reports as meant in Article 7 have been approved.

Article 9

(1) Realization of export shall not exceed 12 (twelve) months since the registration date of import notification (PIB).

(2) Delivery of products to the bonded zone shall materialize in no more than 12 (twelve) months starting from the registration date of import notification (PIB) to the entry date of goods into the bonded zone.

(3) Exception to the rule on the period of time as meant in paragraph (2) shall be granted by the Head of the Regional Office on behalf of the Minister of Finance to the company whose production period exceeds 12 (twelve) months.

(4) If the provisions in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) are not met, the import duty and/or excise as well as PPN and PPnBM owed for the import of goods and/or materials shall be settled.

(5) The obligation as meant in paragraph (4), where import duty and/or excise are concerned, shall be added by interest as much as 2% (two percent) of the levies that must be paid every month for a maximum of 24 (twenty four) months since the registration date of the import notification (PIB), provided that the goods and/or materials are still kept as stocks at the company receiving import duty and/or excise exemptions as well as uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities.

(6) The obligation as meant in paragraph (3), where PPN and PPnBM are concerned, shall be added by fines in accordance with the existing taxation rules.

Article 10

Products made of raw materials of import origin can be sold to Other Customs Area in Indonesia (DPIL) after realization of export and/or delivery of products to the bonded zone have been made, on the stipulation that:

Article 11

If the sales of products to Other Customs Area in Indonesia (DPIL) exceeds the amount stated in Article 10 letter b, the excess shall be subject to:

Article 12

(1) The sales of products to Other Customs Area in Indonesia (DPIL) shall materialize in no more than 12 (twelve) months starting from the registration date of the import notification (PIB) to the entry date of goods into Other - Customs Area in Indonesia (DPIL), except if the company's production period exceeds 12 (twelve) months, exception to the rule shall be given by the Head of the Regional Office on behalf of the Minister of Finance.

(2) If the provisions in paragraph (1) are not met, import duty and/or excise as well as PPN and PPnBM owed for the import of the goods and/or materials shall be paid.

(3) The obligation as meant in paragraph (2), where import duty and/or excise are concerned, shall be added by interest as much as 2% (two percent) of the levies that should be paid every month for a maximum of 24 (twenty-four) months since the registration date of the import notification (PIB), provided that the goods and/or materials are still kept as stocks at the company receiving import duty and/or excise exemptions as well as uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities.

(4) The obligation as meant in paragraph (2), where PPN and PPnBM are concerned, shall be added by fines in accordance with the existing rules.

Article 13

(1) The sales of by-products, residual products and damaged products made of raw materials of import origin, and the sales of damaged raw materials of import origin to Other Customs Area in Indonesia (DPIL) shall be subject to:

(2) The goods as meant in paragraph (1) shall be inspected by the official before being sold to Other Customs Area in Indonesia (DPIL).

(3) If by-products, residual products, damaged products and damaged raw materials which must be made available at the company cannot be accounted for, they shall be subject to:

Article 14

(1) By-products, residual products, damaged products and damaged raw materials can be destroyed under the supervision of the official.

(2) By-products, residual products, damaged products and damaged raw materials that are destroyed shall be exempted from import duty and/or excise as well as PPN and PPnBM.

(3) Any application for the destruction of the goods as meant in paragraph (2) shall be filed to the Head of the Customs and Excise Service Office overseeing the applicant's business site.

(4) The result of the destruction of the goods shall be put in an official report of destruction.


Article 15

Refunds on import duty and/or excise as meant in Article 2 paragraphs (2) and (3) can be granted to

Article 16

To apply for refunds on import duty and/or excise as meant in Article 15, the following requirements shall he met:

Article 17

(1) Any application for refunds on import duty and/or excise shall be filed to the Head of the Regional Office.

(2) The application shall be complete with a list of linkage between goods and/or materials of import origin and goods exported or delivered to the bonded zone, import documents, export documents and/or documents on the delivery of products to the bonded zone.

Article 18

The application as meant in Article 17 shall be approved or rejected in no more than 14 (fourteen) working days after the application has been received in a complete and correct way.


Article 19

Any company receiving import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/or excise as well as uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities shall keep documents, books, records and letters in connection with the import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/or excise for 10 (ten) years at its business site in Indonesia.

Article 20

The Directorate General of Customs and Excise shall control the granting of import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/or excise as well as uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities as meant in this Decree of the Minister of Finance by employing an electronic data system, either individually or jointly with the Directorate General of Taxation, and auditing the companies receiving import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/or excise as well as uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities.

Article 21

Audits in the customs, excise, and/or taxation fields can be conducted any time in accordance with 'the existing rules on audits in the customs, excise and/or taxation fields.


Article 22

A company that joins a group of companies can apply for import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/or excise, provided that:

Article 23

A company that does not carry out the whole production process and gives a subcontract to other company can apply for import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/or excise, on the stipulation that:

Article 24

If the company cannot account for the products which must be exported and made available at the company after the importation of raw materials are granted import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/or excise as well as uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities, the company shall:

Article 25

(1) If export goods which once received import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/ or excise as well as uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities are re-imported, at the time of entering the goods into the Indonesian customs area the company shall hand over guarantee as much as import duty and/or excise along with the price and tariff of finished goods and export documents in the form of export notification (PEB) and customs and excise inspection report/report of inspection result (LPBC/I.HP) to the Head of the Customs Office through which the goods are re-imported.

(2) If export goods which once received import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/or excise as well as uncollected PPN and PPnBM facilities are re-imported at the time of entering the goods into the Indonesian customs area the company shall pay PPN and PPnBM in accordance with the existing taxation rule.

(3) The export goods which have been re-imported as meant in paragraph (1) but are not re-exported within 6 (six) months shall be subject to import duty and/or excise according to the tariff prevailing at the time of importing the goods and/or materials.

Article 26

In case the result of inspection shows an excess of import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or an excess of refunds on import duty and/or excise, the excess shall be returned in accordance with the existing rules.


Article 27

All decisions on import duty and/or excise exemptions and/or refunds on import duty and/or excise as well as uncollected PPN and PPnBM issued by the Head of the Bapeksta - Finance/the Head of BINTER - Finance or the appointed official that are still valid shall remain valid until the expiry date of the said decisions


Article 28

Technical provisions needed to implement this Decree of the Minister of Finance shall be stipulated by the Director General of Customs and Excise and the Director General of Taxation, either individually or jointly, by observing the Taxation Law, Customs Law and Excise Law.

Article 29

At the time when this Decree began to take effect:

Article 30

This Decree of the Minister of Finance shall come into force as from January 1, 2004.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On December 31, 2004
